meet tiffany
extension + color specialist
Since I joined the hair industry in 2014, I have been so incredibly passionate about every single aspect of this crazy and beautiful hair world. Continuing my education is one of my top priorities. I love taking classes and learning from some of the best in this industry. I always strive to provide my guests with a top quality experience from start to finish.
Hair extensions have been a passion of mine since my very first pair of clip-ins. Since joining the hair industry, I have been certified in numerous hair extension methods, however, none of them ticked all the boxes. Then came hand-ted hair extensions. I now solely provide hand-tied hair extensions for my clients as I believe them to be the best on the market. Hand-tied hair extensions can deliver the look you want while keeping your scalp and natural hair healthy.
I am SO incredibly honored and grateful to be able to deliver solutions to so many women’s struggles. To be able to help give a woman confidence where she used to feel insecurity. To be a part in helping a woman feel like her very best self. There is no better feeling than seeing a woman’s eyes light up when she sees herself in the mirror after her extension appointment. It is more than just hair - it’s a total transformation.
When I'm not at the salon, you can find me spending time with my puppies. I love scary movies and could eat pasta every day for the rest of my life. I am an enneagram type 2 and an INFP Meyer Briggs. Napping is one of my favorite weekend activities and I love more cream and sugar in my coffee than actual coffee.
I can't wait to meet you! I know it sounds crazy but hair extensions WILL change your life and I cant wait to be a part of that journey with you!